Table of Contents

Enum OperationNameGeneratorTypes


The NSwag IOperationNameGenerator implementation to use

public enum OperationNameGeneratorTypes


Default = 0

Use the Refitter IOperationNameGenerator implementation This uses MultipleClientsFromOperationId by default but if there are duplicate operation ID's it is changed to MultipleClientsFromFirstTagAndPathSegments

MultipleClientsFromFirstTagAndOperationId = 3

Generates the client name based on the first tag and operation name based on the operation id (operation name = operationId, client name = first tag).

MultipleClientsFromFirstTagAndOperationName = 4

Generates the client name based on the first tag and operation names based on the Swagger operation ID (underscore separated).

MultipleClientsFromFirstTagAndPathSegments = 5

Generates the client name based on the first tag and operation name based on the path segments (operation name = last segment, client name = first tag).

MultipleClientsFromOperationId = 1

Generates multiple clients and operation names based on the Swagger operation ID (underscore separated).

MultipleClientsFromPathSegments = 2

Generates the client and operation name based on the path segments (operation name = last segment, client name = second to last segment).

SingleClientFromOperationId = 6

Generates the client and operation name based on the Swagger operation ID.

SingleClientFromPathSegments = 7

Generates the operation name from path segments (suffixed by HTTP operation name if need be)