Namespace Refitter.Core
- ApizrSettings
Describing how Apizr should be configured. Here are only the common configurations.
- CodeGeneratorSettings
CSharp code generator settings
- DependencyInjectionSettings
Dependency Injection settings describing how the Refit client should be configured. This can be used to configure the HttpClient pipeline with additional handlers
- NamingSettings
Configurable settings for naming in the client API
- OpenApiDocumentFactory
Creates an NSwag.OpenApiDocument from a specified path or URL.
- RefitGenerator
Generates Refit clients and interfaces based on an OpenAPI specification.
- RefitGeneratorSettings
Provide settings for Refit generator.
- Serializer
Provides methods for serializing and deserializing objects to and from JSON. This serializer is configured to be case-insensitive.
- XmlDocumentationGenerator
Generator class for creating XML documentation.
- MultipleInterfaces
Enum representing the different options for generating multiple Refit interfaces.
- OperationNameGeneratorTypes
The NSwag IOperationNameGenerator implementation to use
- TransientErrorHandler
Libraries for handling transient errors
- TypeAccessibility
Specifies the accessibility of a type.